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Webinar: Designing for Dignity: Disrupt Workforce

  • E. Dubois


Adimika Arthur, Executive Director, Health Tech For Medicaid
Jennifer Diehl, Adventist Health
Elizabeth DuBois, DNP, Principal & COO of COPE Health Solutions
Benjamin Kornitzer, MD, agilon health

The speakers at the “Designing for Dignity: Disrupt Workforce” webinar will take juicy, creative, human-centered innovation and make novel solutions succeed out there in the real world. This webinar will help us learn how provider systems and consultants are tackling strategy, analysis, and financial modeling as generative design tools, and help organizations turn their biggest, wildest problems of workforce into businesses with long-term viability and sustainability.

Speakers include: Adimika Arthur, Jennifer Diehl, Elizabeth DuBois, DNP and Benjamin Kornitzer, MD

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