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PCP Cost, Quality, Clinical Continuity Performance

Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) are essential to the success of Value-Based Care arrangements. The ARC Platform enables access to timely and actionable performance analytics to enable tracking of care-gap closure, quality performance, network utilization and total cost of care.

Insights into physician performance facilitates effective communication and strategic decision-making, ensuring that PCPs are well-supported and positioned for success in delivering high-quality care.

Our Approach

Combine multiple sources of claims and clinical data into a single holistic PCP performance view

Configure a standardized performance scorecard for practices and physicians that align to value-based contracts revenue drivers

Consistently communicate performance with PCPs on quality performance, quality gap to goal, member chase lists, and clinical continuity performance

Monitor organization performance and trends, develop clinical initiatives, and set clinical quality goals


John Brault

Principal & Vice President

Jerry Frank, MD

Principal & CMO

John Wallace

Principal & Senior Vice President

Jessica Wyman
