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Taking on Risk Through CMS Direct Contracting

July 3, 2019

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced in April its new direct contracting model that will push the Medicare market closer to commercial and will resemble Medicare Advantage without a health plan as an intermediary. With a focus particularly on primary care coordination for medically complex and seriously ill patients, as well as […]

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The Who, Where, Why and What You Should Do Next with the California DMHC’s Expanded Licensing and Exemption Requirements

June 28, 2019

Effective July 1, 2019, the California Department of Managed Health Care (“Department” or “DMHC”) is requiring organizations under certain conditions to file their risk contracts with DMHC.1 California managed care organizations, medical groups, risk bearing organizations (RBOs), clinically integrated networks (CINs) and any entities looking to enter into upside or downside financial risk agreements will […]

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Succeeding in Value-Based Payment: Success with Providers “Outside Your Walls”

June 26, 2019

Public hospitals and health systems have a commitment to provide access to care for the most vulnerable populations, including the uninsured and underinsured. They also have a unique opportunity to become leaders of a network of choice for the care of Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, dual-eligible, subsidized exchange, and other populations by overcoming the traditional siloes […]

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Leveraging Care Navigators to Deliver Impact Medicare Compliance

May 24, 2019

Background Starting in 2011, the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has required health care systems to deliver the Important Message from Medicare (IM) to all Medicare beneficiaries who are hospital inpatients. This admission notice provides beneficiaries and representatives a written notice about their hospital discharge appeal rights. CMS regulation dictates that IM delivery […]

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Leveraging Care Navigators to Deliver Impact Medicare Compliance

May 24, 2019

Background Starting in 2011, the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has required health care systems to deliver the Important Message from Medicare (IM) to all Medicare beneficiaries who are hospital inpatients. This admission notice provides beneficiaries and representatives a written notice about their hospital discharge appeal rights. CMS regulation dictates that IM delivery […]

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Las Vegas Population Health 360 Key Conference Takeaways

May 22, 2019

Thank you all for joining our Las Vegas Population Health 360 Conference. More than 100 health care leaders gathered for this invite-only event to discuss current trends, challenges and the future vision of the value-based payment landscape. Attendees engaged in a series of panels and round table discussions throughout the two days to learn best […]

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Leveraging DSRIP to Improve Clinical Outcomes and Shift Toward Value-Based Payment

May 22, 2019

Background In 2013, the Texas Legislature created The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) to increase educational opportunities in the surrounding Rio Grande Valley area, located at the state’s southernmost point along the Mexican border.1 The Rio Grande Valley has an estimated population of about 1.5 million residents.2 In conjunction with the school’s founding, […]

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Leveraging DSRIP to Improve Clinical Outcomes and Shift Toward Value-Based Payment

May 22, 2019

Background In 2013, the Texas Legislature created The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) to increase educational opportunities in the surrounding Rio Grande Valley area, located at the state’s southernmost point along the Mexican border.1 The Rio Grande Valley has an estimated population of about 1.5 million residents.2 In conjunction with the school’s founding, […]

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CMS Direct Contracting Models Offer Promise of Expediting Shift to Value-Based Care

April 24, 2019

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Direct Contracting (DC) Model Options, a new set of voluntary payment models announced this week by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for Medicare fee-for-service patients and their health care providers, represent a major step forward for population health management and value-based care. Based […]

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Preparing Your Health System for Risk-Based Contracts

April 9, 2019

As health systems seek or are forced into risk-based contracts, aligning stakeholders and developing a comprehensive strategy to create a culture ready for change is key. Regardless of your system’s current level of maturity with risk contracts or its ability to manage care for a population, moving from fee-for-service payments to global risk or capitated […]

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