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MACRA: The Times are Changing!

November 17, 2015

“Be careful what you ask for.”   Physicians universally heralded the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) for finally taking down the dangling Sword of Damocles. Yes, the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) is finally, officially gone.   The SGR, an 18-year-old unintended consequence of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, would […]

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The Importance of a Quality Reporting Process in a Pay-for-Performance Environment

October 28, 2015

A push towards pay-for-performance The term “pay-for-performance” (P4P) has matured in healthcare over the last decade from concept to reality as healthcare policy creators, administrators, and clinical providers work together to develop a more efficient, sustainable, and quality healthcare system focused on the patient. While Medicare demonstration projects and Medicaid Waivers have been around for […]

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Citrus Valley Health Partners: Equipped to Meet the Workforce Needs of the Future

October 28, 2015

Developing a caring, diverse and sustainable workforce to support compassionate and high-quality patient care is a critical success factor for today’s hospitals and health systems. In the post-ACA world, the majority of health care payments are transitioning from fee-for-service to value-based payment models, occasioning substantial changes in health care delivery and placing increased emphasis on […]

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Investment Programs that Ensure that Californians Receive Benefits from Proposed Mergers

October 21, 2015

The nation’s largest health insurance companies are actively courting Congress and the Department of Justice as they attempt to make some large changes in the industry.  Aetna wishes to acquire its smaller rival Humana; Anthem is courting Cigna. UnitedHealth Group, now the largest of the five, is on the sidelines looking at its options.  Centene, which specializes in offering Medicaid coverage, plans to buy Health Net […]

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Comparing DSRIP in Texas and New York

October 21, 2015

Overview Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) providers in Texas have been closely following the proposed extension to the Texas State Section 1115 Waiver as the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) prepares to submit an extension application to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS). A main goal of the extension is to […]

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New York DSRIP Implementation: An Inside Look Into Clinical Project Planning and Process Flows

October 21, 2015

As we continue a series examining the implementation efforts for the New York Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program, this piece will focus on the importance of clinical project planning and design for both short and long term clinical transformation and integration milestones. While the current structure of the DSRIP program draws down funds […]

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Where will the next generation of health leadership come from?

September 19, 2015

II have been asked why, as a regulatory law attorney, I have taken a detour from that career to provide executive leadership for the COPE Health Scholars programs of COPE Health Solutions. I joined Health Scholars to address the time-worn question, “Where will the next generation of health leadership come from?” How will the best […]

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Educational Programs Are Ideal Avenues for Health Systems to Connect with Their Communities

September 19, 2015

COPE Health Solutions engages health systems to design innovative educational experiences for aspiring health care professionals. These programs are an ideal avenue for providers to build meaningful relationships with community members and position their health system as the provider of choice within their service area. Students engage with their program facility through on-site training and […]

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New York DSRIP: Planning and Implementation Critical Success Factors and Competencies

September 19, 2015

Transitioning from Planning to Execution Well on its way into implementation, the New York Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program is nearly halfway through the first performance year. While many of the planning activities continue to carry over from demonstration year zero, Performing Provider System (PPS) leads are pivoting to execute on plans to […]

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Lessons for Washington 1115 Waiver Participants

September 19, 2015

The Washington State 1115 Waiver application and concept paper is a system transformation initiative that will significantly change the way care is delivered to low-income patients. Medicaid patients are entitled to accessible, coordinated and quality health care that is supported by robust community support services. This multi-faceted approach to patient care and wellness lays the […]

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