Webinar: Improving Performance and Financial Sustainability Utilizing the CA PATH TA Marketplace
September 12, 2024The PATH Technical Assistance (TA) Marketplace is part of California’s 1115 waiver “Medi-Cal Transformation” formerly CalAIM. PATH TA serves as a virtual marketplace for TA services, where potential and current Enhance Care Management and Community Support Providers can access TA resources from DHCS approved Vendors. The services offered through the Marketplace are fully covered by […]
The Important Aspects When Considering Value-Based Contracting, Part 1
August 29, 2024Value-based contracting between payers and healthcare organizations and/or providers has seen steady growth in recent years. The basic idea is to incentivize healthcare and provider organizations for better performance on the targets set up by these agreements, with the ultimate goal to achieve the Quintuple Aim. While they offer the potential to align financial incentives […]
New York State Social Care Networks Announced: 5 Essential Steps for Success
August 7, 2024New York State has revealed the nine organizations awarded with Social Care Network (SCN) status under the 1115 Medicaid Waiver Amendment. One of the state’s main goals under the 1115 Waiver is to invest in the screening and delivery of Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) services to reduce health disparities and improve quality outcomes. SCNs will […]
Actions to Take Now for Awarded MCP Practice Participants
August 7, 20241. Evaluate your practice’s capacity to meet the three domains of MCP’s care delivery approach*: care management, care integration, and community connection: Care management: focus on designing and developing care management and chronic condition self-management services, with an emphasis on chronic disease prevention and management Care integration: strengthen connections with specialty care (Track 2 […]
Financial Modeling for Success in Value-Based Contracting
July 25, 2024Healthcare delivery has traditionally reimbursed providers on a fee-for-service (FFS) basis. This reimbursement system incentivizes volume over quality and leads to unsustainable growth in healthcare costs. In an effort to contain costs and reform the healthcare delivery system to prioritize value over volume, CMMI and commercial payers have introduced a multitude of value-based payment (VBP) […]
Webinar: Creative Approaches to Nurse Staffing Challenges
July 24, 2024Discover innovative strategies to establish hiring pipelines for students and entry-level positions, and explore creative solutions for addressing workforce and nursing shortages. Speakers:: Annette Greenwood, MSN, BSN, RN, Far West Division Chief Nursing Officer, HCA Healthcare Pat Patton, DNP, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Chief Nursing Officer, Providence Swedish Medical Center – First Hill Campus Margaret […]
5 Things to Know About CMS First AHEAD Awards
July 2, 2024On July 2, CMS announced the first states to be accepted to participate into the States Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) model. The states that were announced as participants are Vermont, Maryland, and Connecticut: . In addition, Hawaii: has also been conditionally accepted pending satisfaction of certain requirements. If you are […]
Empowering Providers with High Value Dashboards
June 27, 2024Expanded access to claims, EMR, ADT (Admission, Discharge and Transfer information), health related social need and other health care data sources through maturing health information exchanges, integration solutions and other avenues is creating new opportunities for both providers and payers. At the same time the volume of data available and diversity of data sources can […]
Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Practice’s VBP Performance?
June 13, 2024Over the course of the past decade, as more practices have entered the arena of Value-Based Care, practice operational functions have increasingly become an after-thought. The promise of big bonus checks (real or imagined) has created an environment in which small and mid-sized practices have shifted their focus toward RAF, gap closure activity, quality indicator […]
Key Considerations for AHEAD Version 2.0
June 11, 2024As we write to you in June 2024, the first cohort application dates have passed and the third in August remains. Our team highlights key considerations for hospitals below: 1. Hospitals Should Monitor Whether Their State Applied for Cohorts 1 & 2 or Intend to Apply for Cohort 3: Applications for the first two […]