Technical Assistance Consulting Support
NYS 1115 Waiver creates a new process for billing and FFS payments for Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) services.
- The waiver also provides $500M in HRSN infrastructure investments intended to create Social Care Networks
(SCNs) and help Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) build out or reconfigure their programs to expand capacity. - A similar 1115 Waiver in California created a Technical Assistance (TA) Marketplace where CBOs could easily apply for funding and support services to expand capacity in one centralized location.
- Unlike California, the infrastructure dollars in NY will flow through SCNs and SCNs will be responsible for determining how to distribute the funding to best support capacity building.

Technical Assistance Service Offerings
Through our experience as a top vendor in the PATH Technical Assistance (TA) Marketplace, the CHS consulting team has developed a suite of off-the-shelf scopes of work that are efficiently delivered to CBOs and other social service providers to build and improve the capacity and quality of HRSN services delivered. Our team can be quickly deployed to supplement the limited resources available within the SCN today to deliver these TA services.
Our TA services include:
- Data, Analytics and Technology Optimization
- Building efficiency in existing HRSN services
- Building new HRSN services
- Billing, Contracting and Financial Management
- Improving Case Management
- Improving Access, Outreach and Engagement
- Supporting Cross-Sector Partnerships
- Workforce