Our Approach

Complete member centric SDoH Assessments to identify holistic, medical, behavioral health and psychosocial needs

Partnership between providers/IPA’s with CBO’s to assist members navigate the healthcare continuum for appropriate resources/solutions

Identify rising and high-risk avoidable admissions and readmissions

Emergency department avoidance and promotion of wellness programs to stay healthy

Best practice recommendations for Utilization Management (UM) program structure, program protocols, guidelines, workflows, staffing and mechanisms to manage UM activities

Staff training and educational materials
Thought Leadership
Case Study: CBO Contracting to Close SDoH Gaps
The Value of FQHCs and CBOs to IPA Networks – Options and Keys to Success
Related Solutions
Value-Based Payment Roadmap
Network Adequacy, Analytics, Optimization, Build
Risk-bearing Entities (CINs, IPA, ACO) Build or Optimization
Clinical Redesign
Care Management
FQHC Look-alike
Payer and Provider Contract Management and Optimization
MSO or TPA Buy or Build
Population Health Management Platform
Clinical Insights & Analytics as a Service