Our Approach

Align on current and potential new Medicaid strategy and clarify primary gaps and opportunities for growth, improved performance and/or revenue enhancement

Conduct a high level market scan of network in order to outline competitors, payers, IPAs and potential FQHC partners

Outline value propositions and target FQHCs that could: 1) create a win-win partnership for both organizations, and 2) increase efficiency in serving and managing the surrounding Medicaid population

Provide recommendations and strategic objectives, including any identified opportunities and challenges, based on national best practices and expertise

Develop a pro forma identifying ROI for various potential FQHC strategic options for targeted clinics, existing and/or planned new sites

Implement operational changes required to meet FQHC Look-Alike requirements

Develop a communication strategy for current clinics and FQHC partners around the FQHC Look-Alike strategy, align with any existing CBO/SDOH strategies to further enhance efforts and impact

Maintain and enhance relationships with existing FQHCs to support community needs and clearly define value propositions of partnership