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Customized Care Coordination Strategies That Fill Workforce Gaps and Put a Human Face on Health Systems

June 12, 2015

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Valued-Based Payment and the IPA – 5 Key Considerations

June 10, 2015

One of the biggest challenges and opportunities facing providers today is the rapid shift from a fee-for-service payment model to a value-based payment model. An increasing percentage of the market is transitioning to managed care across the country and payers want to see more value for their health care dollars. However, it can be difficult […]

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Evan King -Team Member Spotlight

June 10, 2015

As the leader of consulting services for COPE Health Solutions, Evan King has been instrumental in developing the company’s key service lines, competencies and skilled workforce that have helped clients across the country, including California, Texas, Washington and New York.  King has directed the strategic planning, design and implementation of complex engagements that have allowed […]

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Competing Rochester Health Systems Join Forces to Revamp Care Delivery for the Community

June 10, 2015

The state of New York plans to transform health care delivery for Medicaid patients through the Medicaid 1115 Demonstration Waiver it has negotiated with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  The Waiver aims to save $17.1 billion of Medicaid federal money over a five-year period by reducing avoidable hospital and emergency department admissions […]

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Community Care Collaborative Transforming Care in Texas

June 10, 2015

The Community Care Collaborative (CCC) in Travis County, Texas, demonstrates what can be accomplished through a Medicaid 1115 Waiver Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program.  Under the program, the Collaborative expanded access to primary and specialty care, improved care for patients with chronic conditions, and integrated behavioral health care with primary care.  Hitting these […]

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Grow Your Own Workforce Through the Clinical Care Extender Program

June 10, 2015

In 2005, St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Oxnard, CA, along with its sister hospital St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital in Camarillo, CA, launched COPE Health Solutions Health Care Talent Innovations Clinical Care Extender (CCE) program. The program has been a significant success in training future health care workers with the advantage of keeping jobs […]

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COPE Health Care Talent Innovations Fills a Crucial Gap on the Path to Real Health Care Reform

June 10, 2015

Care management has revolutionized both quality and affordability in California’s organized systems of care; and, now it’s poised to make an impact across the entire spectrum of health care. COPE Health Solutions’ Health Care Talent Innovations (HCTI) service line is in a prime position to not only help patients, but also help health care systems […]

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Strategic Planning and Business Development for a large health network

June 6, 2015

The Problem: Formed in 1994, Citrus Valley Health Partners (CVHP) is a network of three hospitals, a home health agency, hospice care and an ambulatory surgery center that serves nearly one million residents in the East San Gabriel Valley. In 2010, CVHP was facing challenges common to community hospitals across the country, including declining […]

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Improving Safety Net Specialty Care Access using Web-Based Platform: eConsult

June 6, 2015

The Problem: The US health care delivery system has historically been characterized by a fragmented, poorly integrated approach to delivering care that often falls short when it comes to managing patients with complex health conditions. Of particular concern is access to specialty care, especially for uninsured or under-insured patients relying on safety net services. […]

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Partnering with Major Texas Public Hospital to Improve Efficiency

May 17, 2015

The Problem: The county-funded program for indigent patients at John Peter Smith Health Network (JPS) was plagued by inconsistent and disconnected eligibility determination processes. JPS, a large regional trauma center and ambulatory network serving the safety net population in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area, had struggled for several years to reduce the confusion and […]

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