4 Ways Community Health Workers Impact Primary Care Clinic Performance
May 23, 2024Community Health Workers (CHWs), also referred to as Promotores, are community-based frontline health workers experienced in providing linguistic and culturally sensitive, individualized whole person care in both clinical and non-clinical environments. CHWs can enhance access to and quality of primary care and are often underutilized due to a lack of understanding of their capabilities and […]
The Importance of Integrated Claims and Electronic Medical Record Data for a Successful Value-Based Contract
April 11, 2024Value-based contracts offer provider organizations an opportunity to govern themselves in order to provide high-quality, cost-efficient care to their attributed members and take responsibility for determining the most efficient and effective use of healthcare resources. Much has been written on what a value-based contract is, what is included in a value-based contract, how to negotiate […]
Investing in NPs/PAs to Improve Primary Care Provider Shortages
April 11, 2024At the end of February, the Millbank Memorial Fund released their 2024 primary care scorecard entitled ‘No One Can See You Now’. A bleak assessment of primary care in the United States, the scorecard identifies five key contributors to the ever-worsening patient access crisis, the top two of which cite the need for workforce expansion1: […]
What You Need to Know About CMS’ New ACO Primary Care Flex Model
April 1, 2024Recently we shared key considerations for organizations considering or planning to apply to the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), a progressive risk sharing program created as part of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 that enables physician networks to take risk against a budget and share in potential savings by creating Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). […]
The MSSP ACO Application is Approaching: Are You Preparing Accordingly?
March 19, 2024CMS has recently posted the Performance Year (PY) 2026 Application Dates for the Medicare Shared Savings Program, and as we rapidly approach Q2 of 2025, the time is now to start thinking about participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) program in 2026. MSSP has long offered opportunities for physician networks to advance on […]
Webinar: Strategies to Optimize Medicaid Quality & Revenue
March 6, 2024As Medicaid populations are increasing and Medicaid managed care contracting requirements are trending to more rigorous quality requirements, health systems must develop strategies to improve quality while managing losses that clinics serving mostly Medicaid typically experience. Speakers: • Steven Carson, MHA, BSN, RN, Senior Vice President, Population Health, Temple University Health • Stephanie King, Assistant […]
Key Considerations for AHEAD
February 29, 2024Background: In September 2023, the CMS released the States Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) model. At that time, we shared with you five key initial considerations. With the recent release of Version 1.0 of CMS’ Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) global budget methodology our team has put together some updated considerations for health […]
New York State 1115 Medicaid Waiver Amendment: Social Care Networks
February 29, 2024One of the main initiatives in New York’s just under $7.5 billion 1115 Medicaid waiver amendment is the formation of 13 regionally based Social Care Networks (SCN) that will be responsible for building, maintaining and strengthening networks of Community-Based Organizations (CBO) to deliver health-related social needs (HRSN) services. The Request for Application (RFA) window to […]
Strategies to Optimize Medicaid Quality and Revenue
February 29, 2024Medicaid membership has grown dramatically over the past decade, even with the recent dips due to fall-off from post Public Health Emergency redetermination, however Medicaid reimbursement has not kept up with inflation. Health systems and other providers are in a very tight spot with increasing costs driven by staffing, supply chain, the need to transform […]
ACO REACH: Selecting the Right Track and Risk Profile is Not Easy
January 30, 2024A year ago, we explored the first results of the Global & Professional Direct Contracting (GPDC) program¹ (renamed to ACO REACH for performance year 2023) and found four themes: Most participants could have earned greater savings by selecting a different risk arrangement (Professional or Global); “New Entrant” REACH ACOs tended to earn larger savings than […]