Our Approach

Leverage a standard, yet customizable evaluation tool to enable benchmarking of MSO or TPA services, pricing and capabilities against industry leading MSOs or TPAs

Conduct a comprehensive, detailed analysis to assess organization’s market need, existing infrastructure (including IT), re-deployable resources, current vendor contracts and organizational readiness

Provide actionable recommendations and strategic planning to help your organization prioritize investments in MSO or TPA services and capabilities, including build/buy decisions

Develop operational plan and implementation support for any recommended initiatives or procurement processes necessary to optimize MSO or TPA services and capabilities
Thought Leadership
MSO Build or Buy: Strategic Considerations
An Introduction to Building a Management Services Organization (MSO)
Publication: Golden State Guidepost – A Preview of Operational Financial and Regulatory Dilemmas
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Risk-bearing Entities (CINs, IPA, ACO) Build or Optimization
Value-Based Care Enablement
Health Plan Build or Optimization
Clinical Redesign
Payer and Provider Contract Management and Optimization
SDoH, CBO Integration and Utilization, and CBO IPAs
Care Management
Medical Management
Population Health Management Platform
Clinical Insights & Analytics as a Service