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Making Care Primary

MCP is a CMS model providing a progressive roadmap to value-based payment (VBP) for primary care providers with little-to-no VBP experience. MCP’s payment, quality and care delivery design are meant to enhance primary care setting population health management capabilities and build off prior advanced primary care models, such as Primary Care First (PCF) and Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC).

The model is a good fit for primary care providers, including federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), with limited care management and health IT capabilities or limited experience operating in a value-based environment and closing health-related social needs (HRSN) gaps.

The application window for MCP closed on December 14, 2023. 133 practices have been selected and announced.

How we enable success in Making Care Primary:

  • Turn-key population health data warehouse, analytics and reporting (ARC) – Request a demo
  • VBP Contracting and Modeling
  • IPA/ACO/CIN design, implementation and optimization
  • Medical management workflow, care model design
  • Financial planning

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Our Making Care Primary Experts

Steven Hefter


Johanna Johnson


A.Miller Small Image

Allen Miller

Principal & CEO