Avoid Project Paralysis with Smart Resource Alignment
June 28, 2016Problem: Limited Resources: There is incredible pressure to change operations in health care delivery. In the clinic and the hospital, where the patient interacts with the care delivery team, providers must create often complex transformations to continue to be financially successful, keeping their doors open to the community. EMR implementations, through-put redesign, socioeconomic health […]
Person-in-Environment: A Critical Framework in Health Care Workforce Development
June 28, 2016COPE Health Solutions has been addressing the workforce needs of hospitals and health systems for over 16 years through our suite of educational programs, called COPE Health Scholars. The foundational purposes of the COPE Health Scholars programs are to 1) provide local talent with the training and patient engagement skills necessary to become the competent, […]
Proposed Updates to MACRA and Introduction of the Quality Payment Program
June 28, 2016Overview: On April 27, 2016, the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released proposed updates and rules to the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). In 2015, MACRA was originally implemented to establish a new way to reimburse physicians and increase the use of information technologies, as well as move […]
Aligning health care around creating value for patients
June 28, 2016An organization’s strategic vision and plan are more than just an exercise for the board and executives. Done correctly, and focused on the right areas, they provide a roadmap for transformation and position the organization for future success. Strategic plans need not be overly complex to be successful, nor viewed as an overwhelming task. Thinking […]
Shanah Tirado – Team Member Spotlight
May 25, 2016Shanah Tirado is a senior consultant at COPE Health Solutions. In this role, she serves as a strategic partner to clients in achieving healthcare delivery transformation. She has previous experience in business strategy and public policy across the healthcare industry, including patient advocacy, project management, and resource utilization optimization. Her experience with inter-agency partnerships and […]
Texas DSRIP updates and potential impact on provider projects
May 24, 2016On May 1, 2016, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) approved a 15-month temporary extension for Texas’ Section 1115 Medicaid Transformation Waiver. This is the first extension and it will serve as an opportunity for the state to preserve the existing Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP) as it continues to negotiate a […]
Telemedicine: Doing More With Less
May 24, 2016With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, millions of previously uninsured Americans have gained coverage and the ability to access a regular source of primary care. Payors and health care providers alike have had to scramble to accommodate the influx of new patients while adapting to new payment models. All of this comes at […]
Whole Person Care Pilot – California’s 1115 Waiver Renewal, Medi-Cal 2020
April 28, 2016Health systems across the nation serving the Medicaid population have recognized the dynamic interplay between an individual’s social needs and their health. Medicaid and uninsured patients have frequent unmet needs related to behavioral health, substance abuse, housing, access to food, unemployment and other core health-related social needs. Emerging research has shown that the lack of […]
Cultivating a Culturally Competent Workforce of Tomorrow Today
April 28, 2016Background: : Glendale Adventist Medical Center (GAMC) implemented the Health Scholar Program in March 2012. The program immerses aspiring pre-health professionals, including college students, career transitioners and veterans, into both clinical and administrative settings within health systems. The program provides structured experiential education and hands-on professional development. As stated in a previous article titled Community […]
Process Mapping – The Path to Clinical Redesign
April 28, 2016As healthcare delivery in the US matures from a fee-for-service payment model to one that incentivizes quality and outcomes through value-based-payments, coordinated redesign of clinical processes is foundational on the pathway towards transformation. Siloed care delivery must become a vestige of the past, and highly-integrated, patient-centric care must become the new focus in order to […]