Risk-bearing Entities (CIN, IPA, ACO) Build or Optimization
Clinically integrated networks (CIN), independent physician associations (IPAs) and accountable care organizations (ACOs) are all risk bearing entities that can align both employed and contracted physicians and other providers.
These are the vehicles through which groups of providers engage in value-based payment arrangements and leverage shared managed services to drive performance.
Managed Services Organizations (MSO) are the administrative entities that power CINs, IPAs and ACOs.
If you lead a provider value-base care organization (CIN, ACO, PHSO, PHO, IPA or medical group), you can take our 3-minute Value-Based Care Organization Maturity Assessment to instantly view a downloadable chart describing where you stand relative to best practice.

Our Approach

Collaboratively develop a set of strategic objectives, including desired future state risk-model framework and consensus on population health management requirements to achieve VBP growth goals over the next three to five years.

Complete a market assessment with competitive insights, market opportunity summary and provider profiling to inform financial opportunities, payer risk arrangement strategy and opportunities to strengthen the physician network.

Based on the strategic objectives, market assessment and provider profiling, produce a Population Health Management Capabilities Gap Assessment

Develop a 3-5 Year Implementation Roadmap with key strategic and operational milestones, proposed management structure & capabilities

12-18 month operational implementation plan & VBP Contracting Playbook

Expert advisory implementation and interim management supporth with best practice platforms
Thought Leadership
It’s Time For ACO Participants To Invest In Themselves
Case Study: Path to Value-Based Program Transformation: A Phased Approach
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MSO or TPA Buy or Build
SDoH, CBO Integration and Utilization, and CBO IPAs
Care Management
Medical Management
Population Health Management Platform
Clinical Insights & Analytics as a Service