Cindy Ehnes, Esq.
Executive Advisor
Cindy Ehnes, Esq. is an attorney licensed in California and Colorado. She served as Gov. Schwarzenegger’s Director of the California Department of Managed Health Care for seven years, overseeing health insurance services for 21 million Californians.
As former Director of the California DMHC, Mrs. Ehnes regulated the operations, clinical and financial performance for the $54B industry with 105 health plans and 220-delegated medical groups. In her role in consulting, Mrs. Ehnes brings her deep expertise in “what works and what doesn’t work” in regulatory, compliance, financial, value-based and risk contracting and operational mechanics to health plans and delegated providers.
Mrs. Ehnes served as CEO of the California Children’s Hospital Association and provided leadership to the California Quality Care Collaborative, leading initiatives to improve standards of care and EMR adoption for risk-bearing medical groups. As a 15-year board member of the Integrated Healthcare Association, Mrs. Ehnes assisted in developing pay-for-performance programs and total cost of care measurement for California Medicaid managed care organizations.
Prior to her move to California in 2002, Mrs. Ehnes served as Chief of Enforcement for the Colorado Division of Insurance, as well as Legislative Affairs Director for the Colorado Commission on Family Medicine. Her young daughter was medically uninsurable from her birth in 1984; this mobilized Mrs. Ehnes to lead a grassroots lobbying effort to create CoverColorado, the state’s high-risk plan. Cindy served as the Consumer representative and Chair to the Plan.
Mrs. Ehnes also provides interim health plan CEO capabilities, executive coaching, compliance reviews, as well as strategic consulting for health plans and medical groups. Mrs. Ehnes is the author of The Prentice Hall ADA Compliance Advisor. Mrs. Ehnes was a world-class ski racer and was recently inducted into the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum in Colorado Springs.