Sam Shutman
Executive Advisor
Sam Shutman has 23+ years of experience in the health care field. Mr. Shutman has held executive positions at hospitals, IPAs, health insurance firms and Management Service Organizations. He has a wide range of experience in the health care industry and is able to understand the perspectives of payers, providers, large integrated health systems as well as the smaller practices. Mr. Shutman’s goals are centered on finding the win/win for payers, providers and patients; to encourage the development and operation of cost effective health care delivery systems that also help to enhance community health.
Starting his career at Oxford Health Plans (now part of United Healthcare), Mr. Shutman worked in provider relations where he focused on creating and managing physician groups known as Private Practice Partnerships. The PODS, as they were known in the mid-1990s, were cutting edge structures that presaged what we know now as value based arrangements. Continuing further into provider contracting, Mr. Shutman was responsible for network development and growth of the NY office of Heritage (aka Health Care Partners) recruiting PCPs and contracting with hospitals.