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Emilie Fryatt

Senior Consultant

Emilie Fryatt is a Senior Consultant with COPE Health Solutions. She joins the organization with a background in population health management, health care software implementation strategy, clinical quality reporting, and project management. Mrs. Fryatt will be working with our VBC team supporting care delivery transformation.

Prior to joining COPE Health Solutions, Mrs. Fryatt served as a consulting manager for Cerner Corporation where she supported population health and quality measure software implementation and strategy. She led multiple projects involving the development of population health management strategy, design of custom care gap identification and closure workflows, creating custom quality measure reports, and end user training and acceptance. She had the opportunity to work with health systems of all sizes including community hospitals and clinics, multi-state health systems, and large federal health systems.

Additionally, Mrs. Fryatt has had experience as a health care consulting manager at AArete where she supported the development of social determinants of health work plans for managed care organizations as well as internal payment integrity product development. Most recently, Mrs. Fryatt worked as a project manager at Worldwide Counter Threat Solutions where she supported Veterans Health Administration efforts to assess High Reliability Organization implementation and adoption across the VA.

Ms. Clark received her Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations from Northwest Missouri State University and is currently finishing her Master of Public Health from George Washington University.